Megan Oakleaf, MLS, PhD Home | CV | Bio | Teaching | Consulting | Presentations | Publications | Grants | RAILS | Workbook
| Biography 50 WORDS Megan Oakleaf is an Associate Professor in the iSchool at Syracuse University. Her research areas include assessment, evidence-based decision making, information literacy instruction, and reference services. Prior to this position, Oakleaf served as Librarian for Instruction and Undergraduate Research at NC State University and a teacher in Ohio public schools. 130 WORDS Megan Oakleaf is an Associate Professor of Library and Information Science in the iSchool at Syracuse University. She is the author of the Value of Academic Libraries Comprehensive Review and Report and Academic Library Value: The Impact Starter Kit and has earned recognition and awards for articles published in top library and information science journals including College and Research Libraries, Portal, Reference and User Services Quarterly, and Journal of Documentation. Megan has presented at numerous conferences, including the American Library Association (ALA), Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), and Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AALHE) national conferences, the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Library Assessment Conferences, the IUPUI Assessment Institute, the Texas A&M Assessment Conference, and EDUCAUSE. Her research areas include outcomes assessment, evidence-based decision making, information literacy instruction, and academic library impact and value. 150 WORDS Megan Oakleaf is an Associate Professor in the iSchool at Syracuse University where she teaches “Reference and Information Literacy Services” and “Planning, Marketing, and Assessing Library Services.” Her research interests include outcomes assessment, evidence-based decision making, information literacy instruction, information services, and digital librarianship. She is the author of the Value of Academic Libraries Comprehensive Review and Report and Academic Library Value: The Impact Starter Kit. She also serves on the faculty of the ACRL Immersion Program. Previously, Megan served as Librarian for Instruction and Undergraduate Research at North Carolina State University. In this role, she provided and assessed information literacy instruction; she also trained fellow reference librarians in instructional theory and methods. Megan earned her PhD in library and information science at UNC-Chapel Hill and her MLS at Kent State University. Prior to a career in librarianship, she taught advanced composition in Ohio public secondary schools. 300 WORDS Megan Oakleaf is an Associate Professor in the iSchool at Syracuse University where she teaches “Reference and Information Literacy Services” and “Planning, Marketing, and Assessing Library Services.” Her research interests include library value and impact, outcomes assessment, evidence-based decision making, information literacy instruction, information services, and digital librarianship. She is the author of the Value of Academic Libraries Comprehensive Report and Review and Academic Library Value: The Impact Starter Kit. She also serves on the faculty of the ACRL Immersion Program. Megan has presented at numerous conferences, including ALA, ACRL, AAC&U, and AALHE National Conferences, ARL Library Assessment Conferences, the IUPUI Assessment Institute, the NCSU Undergraduate Assessment Symposium, the Texas A&M Assessment Conference, and EDUCAUSE. Megan won the 2011 Ilene F. Rockman Publication of the Year Award, was named to the LIRT Top 20 Instruction Articles four times, was included on the 2010 Reference Research Review List, and was awarded “Best Paper” at the 2007 EBLIP Conference. She has published articles in JASIST, College & Research Libraries, Journal of Documentation, Communications in Information Literacy, Library Quarterly, and Portal, among other journals. Megan also has a recurring column on library assessment in the Journal of Academic Librarianship and serves on the editorial boards of Library and Information Science Research, Library Quarterly, and Journal of Academic Librarianship. Previously, Megan was the Librarian for Instruction and Undergraduate Research at North Carolina State University. In this role, she designed, implemented, coordinated, and assessed the library instruction program; she also trained fellow librarians in instructional theory and methods. Megan completed her dissertation entitled, “Assessing Information Literacy Skills: A Rubric Approach,” at the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She earned her MLS from Kent State University and also holds a BA in English and Spanish and a BS in English Education and Spanish Education from Miami University. Prior to a career in librarianship, Megan taught language arts and advanced composition in Ohio public schools, grades 8-12.
© 2014 Megan Oakleaf
Last Updated:
March 30, 2014