Megan Oakleaf, MLS, PhD Home | CV | Bio | Teaching | Consulting | Presentations | Publications | Grants | RAILS | Workbook
| Rubric Assessment of Information Literacy Skills (RAILS) RAILS is an IMLS-funded research project designed to investigate an analytic rubric approach to information literacy assessment in higher education. The RAILS project is intended to help academic librarians and disciplinary faculty assess information literacy outcomes. Over three years, RAILS will yield a suite of rubrics that can be used by academic librarians and disciplinary faculty to assess information literacy outcomes; a transferable model for analyzing rubric scores; training materials for librarians, faculty, and LIS students who seek to use rubrics for information literacy assessment; indicators of rater expertise in rubric scoring; and a clearinghouse for librarians and faculty to share:
Although RAILS is intended to address practical assessment issues, it also will explore the answers to several research questions:
RAILS is funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services. RAILS operates in partnership with the ACRL Assessment Immersion Program and is augmented by Waypoint Outcomes. More information is available at
© 2014 Megan Oakleaf
Last Updated:
March 30, 2014