Megan Oakleaf, MLS, PhD

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Oakleaf, Megan.  "The Library's Contribution to Student Learning: Inspirations and Aspirations."  College and Research Libraries. 76(3).  2015.

Oakleaf, Megan.  "A Roadmap for Assessing Student Learning Using the New Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education."  Journal of Academic Librarianship.  40(5).  2014.

Hiller, Steve, Kyrillidou, Martha, and Megan Oakleaf.  "The Library Assessment Conference: Past, Present, and Near Future!Journal of Academic Librarianship. 40(3-4). 2014.

Oakleaf, Megan.  "Correlating Library Services, Expertise, and Resources with Student Learning."  Information Outlook.  18(2). 2014.

Holmes, Claire and Megan Oakleaf. "The Official (and Unofficial) Rules for Norming Rubrics Successfully."  Journal of Academic Librarianship. 39(6).  2013.

Belanger, Jackie and Megan Oakleaf.  "Assessment Management Systems: Questions to Spark Librarian Engagement." Journal of Academic Librarianship. 39(3). 2013.

Oakleaf, Megan.  "Building the Assessment Librarian Guildhall: Criteria and Skills for Quality Assessment Librarian." Journal of Academic Librarianship. 39(2). 2013.

Oakleaf, Megan, Belanger, Jackie, and Carlie Graham. "Choosing and Using Assessment Management Systems: What Librarians Need to Learn." Proceedings of the ACRL Fifteenth National Conference.  Indianapolis: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2013.

Oakleaf, Megan, Hoover, Steven, Woodard, Beth, Corbin, Jennifer, Hensley, Randy, Wakimoto, Diana, Hollister, Christopher V., Gilchrist, Debra, Millet, Michelle, Iannuzzi, Patty.  "Notes from the Field: 10 Short Lessons on One-Shot Instruction." Communications in Information Literacy.  6(1).  2012.
Highlighted in Reference Services Review 2012

Oakleaf, Megan.  Academic Library Value: The Impact Starter Kit.  Syracuse, NY: Della Graphics, 2012. 

Click here to purchase.

Gilchrist, Debra, and Megan Oakleaf.  An Essential Partner: The Librarian's Role in Student Learning Assessment (NILOA Occasional Paper No. 14). Urbana, IL: University of Illinois and Indiana University, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, 2012.

Bresciani, Marilee, and Megan Oakleaf.  "Curricular and Co-curricular Collaborations to Facilitate General Education Outcomes."  New Leadership Alliance for Student Learning and Accountability.  February 2012.

Oakleaf, Megan.  "Staying on Track with Rubric Assessment: Five Institutions Investigate Information Literacy Learning."  Peer Review. 14(1). 2012.

Oakleaf, Megan, Millet, Michelle S., and Leah Kraus.  "All Together Now: Getting Faculty, Administrators, and Staff Engaged in Information Literacy Assessment."  portal: Libraries and the Academy.  11(3).  2011.
LIRT Top Twenty Library Instruction Articles 2011
Highlighted in Reference Services Review 2011

Oakleaf, Megan.  "Do the Right (Write) Thing: Engaging in Academic Library Value Research."  College and Research Libraries.  72(3). 2011.

Oakleaf, Megan.  "What's the Value of an Academic Library?  The Development of the Value of Academic Libraries Comprehensive Research Review and Report." Australian Academic and Research Libraries.  2011.  Figures 1 & 2

Oakleaf, Megan. "Assessment Agreement." Atlas of New Librarianship.  Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2011.

Oakleaf, Megan.  "Are They Learning?  Are We?  Learning and the Academic Library."  Library Quarterly.  81(1).  2011.  Shared Learning Standards, Figure 1 Revised
Highlighted in Reference Services Review 2011

Stanton, Jeffrey M., Kim, Youngseek, Oakleaf, Megan, Lankes, R. David. Gandel, Paul, Cogburn, Derrick & Liddy, Elizabeth D. "Education for eScience Professionals: Job Analysis, Curriculum Guidance, and Program Considerations." Journal of Education in Library and Information Science. 52(2). 2011.

Oakleaf, Megan. "Demonstrating the Value of Academic Libraries."  LINK. 11. 2010.

Oakleaf, Megan and Scott Walter. "Recruitment for Results: Assessment Skills and the Academic Job Market."  Proceedings of the Library Assessment Conference. Baltimore, MD: Association of Research Libraries. 2010.

Oakleaf, Megan, Hinchliffe, Lisa, and Mary Ellen Davis. "The Value of Academic Libraries: Findings and Implications for the Profession"  Proceedings of the Library Assessment Conference. Baltimore, MD: Association of Research Libraries. 2010.

Oakleaf, Megan.  The Value of Academic Libraries: A Comprehensive Research Review and Report. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2010.

What to Do Next, Research Agenda, Checklist
Chronicle of Higher Education

Inside Higher Ed
American Libraries
OCLC Next Space
Academic Impressions
Library Journal
College & Research Libraries News
Also available at:
Amazon, Barnes & Noble
Australian Library Journal

Hinchliffe, Lisa and Megan Oakleaf.  "Sustainable Progress through Impact: The Value of Academic Libraries Project."  Proceedings of the World Library and Information Congress: 76th IFLA General Conference and Assembly. Gothenburg, Sweden: International Federation of Library Associations, 2010.

Oakleaf, Megan and Amy VanScoy.  "Instructional Strategies for Digital Reference: Methods to Facilitate Student Learning."  Reference and User Services Quarterly.  49(4).  2010. 
Reference Research Review List 2010
Highlighted in Reference Services Review 2010

Oakleaf, Megan and Patricia L. Owen.  "Closing the 12-13 Gap Together: School and College Librarians Supporting 21st Century Learners."  Teacher-Librarian.  37(4).  2010.  Figures 1& 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Highlighted in Reference Services Review 2010

Oakleaf, Megan. "Writing Information Literacy Assessment Plans: A Guide to Best Practice."  Communications in Information Literacy.  3(2). 2010.

Oakleaf, Megan. "The Information Literacy Instruction Assessment Cycle: A Guide for Increasing Student Learning and Improving Librarian Instructional Skills."  Journal of Documentation.  65(4). 2009.
ACRL Ilene F. Rockman Publication of the Year Award 2011

Highlighted in Reference Services Review 2009

Bresciani, Marilee, Oakleaf, Megan, Kolkhorst, Fred, Nebeker, Camille, Barlow, Jessica, and Jessica Hickmott. "Examining Design and Inter-Rater Reliability of a Rubric Measuring Research Quality across Multiple Disciplines." Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation. 14(12). 2009.

Oakleaf, Megan. "
Using Rubrics to Assess Information Literacy: An Examination of Methodology and Interrater Reliability."  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology.  60(5). 2009.
Highlighted in Reference Services Review 2009

Bresciani, Marilee and Megan Oakleaf.  "
Confronting the Business Lens for Accountability of General Education."  Proceedings of the ACRL Fourteenth National Conference.  Seattle: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2009.

Oakleaf, Megan and Neal Kaske.  "Guiding Questions for Assessing Information Literacy in Higher Education."  portal: Libraries and the Academy. 9(2). 2009. 
LIRT Top Twenty Library Instruction Articles 2009
Highlighted in Reference Services Review 2006

Gandel, Paul, Oakleaf, Megan, Stanton, Jeffrey, Lankes, R. David, and Derrick Cogburn.  "More People, Not Just More Stuff:  Developing a New Vision for Our Research Cyberinfrastructure." ECAR Research Bulletin. 2009.

VanScoy, Amy and Megan Oakleaf. "Evidence vs. Anecdote: Using Syllabi to Plan Curriculum-Integrated Information Literacy Instruction." College and Research Libraries. 69(6). 2008. 
LIRT Top Twenty Library Instruction Articles 2008
Highlighted in Reference Services Review 2008

Lankes, R. David, Cogburn, Derrick, Oakleaf, Megan, and Jeffrey Stanton.  "
Cyberinfrastructure Facilitators: New Approaches to Information Professionals for e-Research."  Proceedings of the Oxford eResearch Conference.  2008.

Oakleaf, Megan and Lisa Hinchliffe. "Assessment Cycle or Circular File: Do Academic Librarians Use Information Literacy Assessment Data? Proceedings of the Library Assessment Conference. Seattle, WA: Association of Research Libraries. 2008.
Highlighted in Reference Services Review 2009

Oakleaf, Megan, Hinchliffe, Lisa, Gilchrist, Debra, and Anne Zald.  "Assessment Immersion: An Intensive Professional Development Program for Information Literacy Assessment."  Proceedings of the Library Assessment Conference. Seattle, WA: Association of Research Libraries. 2008.

Oakleaf, Megan, Hernon, Peter, and Karin de Jager.  "Assessment in LIS Education."  Proceedings of the Library Assessment Conference. Seattle, WA: Association of Research Libraries. 2008.

Oakleaf, Megan. "Dangers and Opportunities: A Conceptual Map of Information Literacy Assessment Tools." portal: Libraries and the Academy. 8(3). 2008.
LIRT Top Twenty Library Instruction Articles 2008
Highlighted in Reference Services Review 2008

Oakleaf, Megan.  "Planning, Building, and Assessing an Online Information Literacy Tutorial: The LOBO Experience."  Information Literacy Programs in the Digital Age: Educating College and University Students Online. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2008.

Oakleaf, Megan.  "Using Rubrics to Collect Evidence for Decision-Making: What do Librarians Need to Learn?" Evidence Based Library and Information Practice. 2(3). 2007.
EBLIP4 Conference Best Paper Award
Highlighted in Reference Services Review 2007

Oakleaf, Megan.  "The Right Assessment Tool for the Job:  Seeking a Match Between Method and Need."  Proceedings of the Library Assessment Conference. Charlottesville, VA: Association of Research Libraries. 2007.

VanScoy, Amy and Megan Oakleaf.  "Effective Instruction in the Virtual Reference  Environment." Teaching with Technology: An Academic Librarian's Guide.  Eds. Joe Williams and Susan Goodwin.  Oxford, UK: Chandos, 2007.

VanScoy, Amy and Megan Oakleaf.  "Online Privacy vs. Enhanced Virtual Reference."  Proceedings of the ACRL Eleventh National Conference.  Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2003.


Oakleaf, Megan.  Assessing Information Literacy Skills: A Rubric Approach Dissertation completed at UNC-Chapel Hill, 2006. 
Front Matter, Text

Highlighted in Reference Services Review 2006


Oakleaf, Megan. Review of A Practical Guide to Information Literacy Assessment for Academic Librarians Library and Information Science Research, 2008.

Oakleaf, Megan. Review of The Teaching Library: Approaches to Assessing Information Literacy Instruction, 2007.

Oakleaf, Megan. Review of It's All About Student Learning, 2006.




© 2014 Megan Oakleaf
Last Updated: March 30, 2014